Serves :
Preparation Time :
Cooking Time :
Preparation Method :
- Preheat the oven. Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan.
- Add the popcorn, cover the pan, and cook, shaking the pan vigorously and frequently, for about 2 minutes, until the popping stops. Turn into a large bowl.
- Put the butter, sugar, golden syrup and milk in a saucepan and heat gently until the butter has melted.
- Bring to the boil, without stirring, and boil for 2 minutes.
- Remove from the heat, add the chocolate chips, and stir until melted.
- Pour the chocolate mixture over the popcorn and toss together until evenly coated.
- Spread the mixture onto a large baking tray.
- Bake the popcorn in the oven for about 15 minutes, until crisp.
- Leave to cool before serving.
- 2 tablespoon sunflower oil
- 50 grams popcorn
- 15 grams butter
- 25 grams soft light brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon golden syrup
- ½ tablespoon milk
- 25 grams plain chocolate chips
11 comments for “Chocolate Popcorn”
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