Serves :
Preparation Time :
Preparation Method :
- Place all the salad ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
- Put all the dressing ingredients in a small bottle and shake it well.
- Pour the dressing over the salad and mix well.
- Serve chilled on a platter lined with lettuce and garnished with olives.
- 350 grams tin tuna, canned
- 2 apples, sliced
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- ½ tablespoon chives, finely chopped
- 4 walnuts, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoon yogurt, hung
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 45 grams mayonnaise
- Salt and cayenne pepper to taste
- 6 lettuce leaves
- 10 - 12 olives
7 comments for “Tuna Salad with Apples”
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