Serves :
Preparation Time :
Preparation Method :
- Remove the seeds from the melon. Scoop out the flesh and cut into dice.
- Place in a bowl with the banana, grapes, dates and walnuts.
- Add the chicken to the fruit with the mayonnaise and yogurt.
- Mix well and add salt and pepper to taste. Spoon on to lettuce arranged on serving plates and garnish.
- Serve at once.
- 1 honeydew melon
- 2 firm banana, sliced
- 100 gram seedless green grapes
- 50 gram stoned dates, chopped
- 100 gram walnuts, chopped
- 500 gram cooked chicken, cut into strips
- 4 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 4 tablespoons plain yogurt
- Salt and freshly ground pepper
- Crisp lettuce leaves, to serve
- Chopped parsley to garnish
8 comments for “Chicken and Fruit Salad”
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