Serves :
Preparation Time :
Cooking Time :
Preparation Method :
- Drain and rinse the beans. Cover with water and boil rapidly for 15 minutes, then drain, rinse and cover with fresh water.
- Simmer for 30 minutes until just tender, adding salt during the last 10 minutes of cooking time. Drain the beans again and put in a serving bowl.
- Combine the dressing ingredients, season and whisk until thick. Pour it over the beans while they are still warm, mixing well. Leave the beans to cool.
- Cut the palm hearts crossways into 1 cm / ½ inch diagonal slices. Add to the beans with the remaining ingredients.
- Toss well, then leave to stand at room temperature for at least 1 hour before serving.
- 200 grams black kidney or turtle beans, soaked overnight
- 500 grams palm hearts, drained
- 1 red pepper, cored, deseeded and diced finely
- 4 spring onions, green parts included, diced finely
- 2 fresh red or green chilli, deseeded and sliced finely
- 5 tablespoon finely chopped coriander or parsley
- 5 teaspoon sugar
- 5 tablespoon sesame oil
8 comments for “Caribbean Black Bean Salad”
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