Serves :
Preparation Time :
Cooking Time :
Preparation Method :
- Place the poussins in a roasting pan. Rub with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with bacon.
- Roast in a preheated moderately hot oven (200°C/400°F, Gas Mark 6) for 30 to 40 minutes until the juices run clear when the legs are pierced with a fine skewer.
- Drain the poussins on kitchen paper towels.
- Place a napkin in an individual small basket, add a poussin and surround with crisp French fries. Eat with your fingers.
- 700 gram oven-ready Poussins
- 50 gram butter
- Salt and freshly ground pepper
- 4 rashers fatty bacon
9 comments for “Poussins in Baskets”
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