Thursday, December 27, 2012,9:17 PM by

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Your breakfast would surely become as delicious as Poached Eggs on Whole Meal Toast. This is perfect for your family most especially for your children since it is made of highly nutritious ingredients such as pinch eggs, slices of bread, margarine and yeast extract.
Serves :

Preparation Time :
15 minutes

Cooking Time :
15 minutes

Preparation Method :

  • Put the water and salt in a small pan and bring to the boil. Crack one egg into a cup.
  • Using a spoon, stir the water very quickly to create a 'whirlpool'.
  • Slide the egg into the water, and then simmer for 3 minutes until the egg is firmly set.
  • Toast one slice of bread lightly on both sides, then spread with margarine and a little yeast extract.
  • Remove the egg from the pan with a slotted spoon and place on top of the toast. Serve immediately.
  • Repeat this method with the remaining eggs and bread.
  • Serve hot.


  • 500 ml water
  • Pinch of salt
  • 8 eggs
  • 8 slices whole meal bread
  • 50 grams margarine
  • 2 teaspoon yeast extract

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