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Wednesday, December 19, 2012,1:45 AM by

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Serves :

Preparation Time :
40 minutes

Cooking Time :
45 minutes

Preparation Method :

  • For fresh asparagus, wash, scrape and trim it, cut off any woody ends.
  • Array into spears of equal thickness and tie in a bundle with the tips level.
  • Use soft string and tie in two places, just below the tips and towards the bottom.
  • Trim the cut ends so that the stalks are of similar length and the bundle will stand firmly in the cooking pan.
  • To cook the asparagus, stand the bundle upright in simmering salted water to reach two-thirds up the stalks.
  • If you do not have a saucepan that is deep enough,go with a domed 'lid' of foil, making it high enough to stand above the tips. Crimp it well at the pan edge to hold in the steam.
  • Set the jar in a covered pan of simmering water, or cover the jar itself with foil.
  • Cook the asparagus until tender, allowing from 15 minutes for green asparagus and up to 35 minutes for large blanched spears.
  • If you are using frozen asparagus, cook it from frozen in a small quantity of boiling salted water for about 5 minutes.
  • The asparagus is cooked when the thick part of the stalk feels tender when pierced with a sharp knife.
  • Drain thoroughly and lay on a clean, folded tea towel.
  • Arrange the cooked spears on a buttered flameproof dish and sprinkle with the grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Melt the butter to the noisette stage, when it is just beginning to turn brown and smell nutty. Pour the butter over the asparagus.
  • Slip the asparagus under a hot grill for atleast a minute, until the Parmesan cheese begins to melt, and serve immediately.


  • 1 kg fresh or frozen asparagus
  • Salt
  • 50 grams butter
  • 50 grams Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
  • Posted Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:03:16 PM

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